15 – refocusing how we see God and His amazing work

Apologetics 15 – refocusing….

(to revisit Genesis:)

The following Quote….https://www.google.com/amp/s/enduringword.com/bible-commentary/genesis-1/amp/

i. Genesis gives the foundation for the doctrines of:
· Sin, the fall, redemption, justification.
· The promise of the Messiah and Jesus Christ.
· The personality and personhood of God.
· The kingdom of God.
ii. Genesis shows us the origin of:
· The universe.
· Order and complexity.
· The solar system.
· The atmosphere and hydrosphere.
· Life, man, marriage.
· Good and evil.
· Language, government, culture, nations, religion.
iii. It is precisely because people have abandoned the truth of Genesis that society is in such disarray.

Genesis 1:1 power and simplicity

Genesis – on a micro-level, look at the first few verses of Genesis 1


Now the BIG picture :

Illus: Genesis


Again – look at the opening verses closely ( micro level )

John 1:1 and

John 3 : Redemption

John 21:25
25 “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”

Now see the BIG picture again….

Illus : John

Genesis and John

About choices
God choices & ours

John 1:9-14