11 – Flood intro & Considering the Source

Apologetics 11

Consider the Source ….
1) Where do we get our info?

2) How do you know it’s believable?

Consider NUTRITION INFO – why does it keep changing?
1. Nutrition Research Is Still Pretty New
2. Headlines Are Commonly Overblown or Oversimplified
3. Everyone Is Selling Something

What did NOAH CONSIDER as his source?
Genesis 7:1-5.
Noah Did as the Lord commanded – how did he know to trust?!

What was source of EVERYONE ELSE.?
Genesis 6:5-8. How did the world get on such a bad state?
What was their ” source ” of ‘truth’

What is YOUR SOURCE that you consider?
Friends , news, internet, heart….. all dangerous….

Illustration clip from Book – “Insanity of God” –
Faith persecution vs Faith Freedom

ILLUSTRATION exercise – recount stories in gospels