Luke 17:1-19 The power of forgiveness!

Luke 17 Vs 1 Stumble…. Vs 3-4 you must forgive Vs 5   Mark 9:24 Vs 6  size of Faith Vs 7-10  non optional Vs. 11-13. Called out loudly? Vs. 14-16 thank you Vs 17 -19 FAITH ! ********** NOTES Stumbling blocks (4625)(skandalon  from a root meaning jump up, snap shut) was originally the piece of wood … Read more

Matthew 18:21-35 Mercy and Misery

Matt 18:19-35 Mercy and Misery – the merciful King and unmerciful servant  Unmerciful Servant with the IMMENSITY of canceled debt is contrasted with his miserly and petulant attitude to those around him.   Find the “RIDICULOUS” statements…. PETER SUGGESTS BOUNDARIES FOR FORGIVENESS 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I … Read more