22 Objection : What about those who have never heard of Jesus?

Apologetics Series : What about those who have never heard of Jesus. ————- Bible project – Romans —————- Illustration : asking lots of questions all the way to Seminary Problem ? About God’s Intention Assumption = heartless? ? About Lack of Information Assumption = unfairness Reality Check  God’s intention Genesis 3:15 God’sPlan – even Genesis … Read more

21 Objection: How can you say – Is Jesus the only way?

Questions: Do all religions lead to same God? OR Aren’t all religions basically the same?   John 14:6 —————————————————— Living in a so-called “Pluralistic” society Definitions : Can’t we all just get alone. Diversity and dialogue. Getting along sounds good , but in REAL life, hard to find. ——— Culture ( Tillich? ) – (from Ravi … Read more

19 Objection: isn’t the Bible full of contradictions?

06-24-2018 Apologetics – the question of contradictions Before starting: When the objection regarding biblical contradiction is raised, its important to find out if it’s an honest question or a smokescreeen. Ask the question: “if I can show that this is not a contradiction, will that decrease doubt or change your mind about God or the … Read more

15 – refocusing how we see God and His amazing work

Apologetics 15 – refocusing…. (to revisit Genesis:) The following Quote….https://www.google.com/amp/s/enduringword.com/bible-commentary/genesis-1/amp/ i. Genesis gives the foundation for the doctrines of: · Sin, the fall, redemption, justification. · The promise of the Messiah and Jesus Christ. · The personality and personhood of God. · The kingdom of God. ii. Genesis shows us the origin of: · The universe. · Order and complexity. · The … Read more

13 – What about Dinosaurs and the flood?

Apologetics 13 – 5/13 Apologetics 13 Draw this animal description Feeds on grass like oz Powerful muscles in belly Tail like a tree Bones and limbs unbreakable The greatest of God’s creative works Can’t be captured Untamable Job 40 Owens question ” did dinosaurs live with people? ” How would you answer? Video – Fossils … Read more

12 – The Flood

Apologetics 11 Flood part 2 Last week : CONSIDER THE SOURCE – review REVIEW – The survey last week: How much of the Gospels can we as a church collectively remember in 20 minutes? gospel stories from memory   This week: What does the Bible and the Flood account teach us about our world? How … Read more

11 – Flood intro & Considering the Source

Apologetics 11 Consider the Source …. 1) Where do we get our info? 2) How do you know it’s believable? Illustration Consider NUTRITION INFO – why does it keep changing? 1. Nutrition Research Is Still Pretty New 2. Headlines Are Commonly Overblown or Oversimplified 3. Everyone Is Selling Something https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/2016-05-20/why-is-nutrition-advice-always-changing What did NOAH CONSIDER as … Read more