Absolute Truth 4

Absolute Truth 4 Truth : Directs & Motivates   Procrastination TED TALK      HOW THE INSTANT GRATIFICATION MONKEY GETS IN THE WAY! Philippians 4:9 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Learned Received Heard Seen … Read more

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Absolute Truth 3 – the inputs of life

Absolute Truth 3 Last Week – discerning truth / & not being wind blown       The process of DISCERNING is built on the information available to be received. Computers and Inputs Keyboard. Mouse. Camera Light pen. Track Ball. Scanner. Graphic Tablet. Microphone. INPUTS “Input and output bridge the chasm between a computer’s inner … Read more

Matthew 23 : the 7 woes

Matt 23 : 1-39 THE  7 WOES Woes / warnings       Vs. Angel Candle – do not fear = PEACE ——————————————— 7 woes and the opposites Woe # 1    You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven Woe # 2    ( convert) you make them twice as much a child … Read more

The wedding invitations- Matthew 22:1-14

Matt 22:1-14 Invited to wedding / Illustrations of the invited not coming to wedding Matt 22 15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap himin his words. Matt 21:      45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them. 46 They looked for a way … Read more

John 12 seeking to see Jesus

John 12:20-50 seeing Jesus ( again) PREVIOUS TEXTS Mark 11:11 court of the gentiles Isaiah 56:6-7 house of prayer for all nations John 12:20 …. REQUEST      ( Greeks) : we would like to see Jesus Phillip and Andrew ( Greek names ); they make the request Answer to REQUEST: 23 Jesus replied, “The hour … Read more

Matthew 20:20-28 lead or serve?

Matt 20:20-28 Matt 20:20-28 where James and John’s mom  makes the request of Jesus for them. Then there is infighting among the disciples. continue the “ thinking differently” theme Jesus is bringing them too. TEXT 20 Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him. … Read more