Noah 1

Noah and his family had to begin by believing what God told them: FIRST that mankind was wicked and God would soon destroy them.         Fact of evil….         Pandemic of Sinfulness – unrecognized…               2 sides to everything         … Read more

Solomon – fear God, keep his commandments

Solomon CHOSEN Deuteronomy 7 6 For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession. THE PEOPLE Biblical “Recipe” is…. Deuteronomy 7:1-6 WHAT When the Lord your God brings you … Read more

Elijah – turning heart back

Elijah LAST WEEK (God’s using Samson to make people uncomfortable with compromise.) —————————————— TODAY – continue that theme + turning hearts back Elijah Name – His name means “The LORD is my God.” Trajectory toward….. 1 Kg 18 37 Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that … Read more

Judges 14 – Samson’s poor decisions working?

The Life of Samson 2 – Palm Sunday –         – door to different way of Life        BACKGROUND only to begin the process by stirring up trouble between the Philistines and Israelites who had constructed a peaceful co-existence that was precisely against anything that the Lord wanted for His … Read more

Samson – lesson from his parents

the life of Sampson – the stage set Will revolve around his nazarite vow / dedication to ( or lack of ) a special relationship with God. Judges 13-16 SETTING Judges 13 Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, so the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Philistines(A) for forty … Read more

The Narrow Path – Isa 30

Isa 30 luthertan foundation – mental health liaison INTRO 1yr ago – life as usual got so very unusual. What happens when life goes off the rails?     How to explain that? THE PATH BLOCKED Numbers 22: ( NASB )    Wicked – not false – prophet. 15 Then Balak sent representatives once again, more … Read more

Character of God : love

Knowing God – love   Unlikely Friends     Innocent Man / Crocked Cop    Reckless love:   ——————————————- Extremes – world      Extreme / God’s word to u Extreme  – examples of love lived today… 1 John 4 God’s Love and Ours 7 Dear friends, let us love one another,(P) … Read more