3 – Is the New Testament Reliable?

Apologetics 3 NT RELIABLE Matt 24:35 Illus: History of Declaration of Independance ( age of document, deterioration, copies, loss of ” fair copy ” presented to congress ) – ROUGH COPY of Declaration of Independance – John Adams handwritten copy before June 28th, 1776 (Mass hist. Society) – FAIR COPY After making alterations to his … Read more

2 – Is the Old Testament Trustworthy?

Last week we examined how the Old Testament is in fact a very reliable and consistent document. Now we will examine it’s trustworthiness.   The current state of reality…. “Over the years there have been many criticisms leveled against the Bible concerning its historical reliability. These criticisms are usually based on a lack of evidence … Read more

1 – Is the Old Testament Reliable?

Is the Old Testament consistent in the text that we have? Has the text of the Old Testament been reliably transmitted through the centuries and millenia? INTRODUCTION: ISA 40:8 The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. MATT 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will … Read more

Christmas Eve 2017

Please note that this Sunday, December 24 (Christmas Eve), we will be gathering for worship at 5:30pm. There will be not Sunday morning service. We look forward to celebrating together the birth of our Lord, our Savior, Jesus. It is our continual prayer that hearts and minds may see and know Jesus – even in the midst of so much activity these holidays. May His joy be ours.

Download the New Jacob’s Well App

Thanks to the efforts and skills of volunteers from within our congregation, you are now able to stay connected with the church and preschool at Jacob’s Well. The app, which includes resources, calendars, and giving options is available for both iOS and Android devices. When you enable notifications for the Jacob’s Well app, you will … Read more